The piebar program aims to simplify the creation of pie and bar charts from command line or shell scripts. You just give your series of data on standard input, and voilĂ !
PDF manual page is available here.
File used in these examples:
piebar -o gal-pie1.svg -t "Sales by product" pie -s -25 < sales1.dat
piebar -o gal-pie1custom.svg -t "Sales by product with custom colors" pie -s -25 "Product A|cadetblue" "Product B|khaki" "Product C|seagreen" "Product D|lightcoral" < sales1.dat
File used in these examples:
piebar -o gal-bar1.svg -t "Sales by product" bar < sales1.dat
piebar -o gal-bar1custom.svg -t "Sales by product with custom colors" bar -g "Product A|cadetblue" "Product B|khaki" "Product C|seagreen" "Product D|lightcoral" < sales1.dat
piebar -o gal-bar1stack.svg -t "Sales by product, stacked" bar -s < sales1.dat
piebar -o gal-bar1stackcustom.svg -t "Sales by product with custom colors" bar -s "Product A|cadetblue" "Product B|khaki" "Product C|seagreen" "Product D|lightcoral" < sales1.dat
File used in these examples:
piebar -o gal-bar2.svg -t "Sales by product and quarter" bar < sales2.dat
piebar -o gal-bar2stack.svg -t "Sales by product, stacked by quarter (with custom colors)" bar -s "Q1|lightblue" "Q2|gold" < sales2.dat
File used in this example:
piebar -o gal-bar3.svg -t "Sales by product, quarter (left: Q1, right: Q2) and region" bar < sales3.dat